What were you doing on Wednesday morning at 11 am? I was enjoying breakfast at Koa Pancake House with my husband RK and my son Roger. We had dropped the girls off at school and headed over to Pigtails and Crewcuts to get Bub’s haircut. See, he had managed to smash an entire glob of silly putty into his hair the night before. We were sure they were going to have to buzz it all off. But this isn’t a story about toddlers and haircuts. This is about my work with Beautycounter.

Somehow they were able to salvage his hair! Miracles happen, people!
Hermit Marketing and MLM Aunty
Almost a year ago, I decided to join Beautycounter. I had already been using and loving Beautycounter products for a while when a friend of mine invited me to join. At first, I listed all the reasons I wasn’t a good fit. Basically, I’m a hermit with no friends and close to horrible social skills. Or at least that’s what I told her. But after many discussions with RK, I decided that I should join. I would join under the condition that we could do things his way. We would focus on doing a “Hermit Marketing” system where I didn’t have to become “MLM Aunty” and scare off what few friends I still had. And it’s worked for me so far.
See, I chose a business which allows me to spend plenty of time with my husband and kids. Being a Beautycounter Consultant means I get to work when I want to or to spend my time taking care of my family. You can read more about my reasons for joining Beautycounter here. For me, my priority is always going to be my family. So, if we need to make a detour and get a haircut, we can. And if we need to sit around and enjoy eachother’s company over pancakes, we can. Which leads me to the miles.
Breakfast and Entry Blanks
Koa Pancake house just happens to be a few doors down from Pigtails and Crewcuts. So, after we got my son’s haircut, we walked over for some breakfast. I wanted to discuss my Beautycounter business with the creator of Hermit Marketing himself. As we ordered, I noticed that Koa Pancake House was doing a giveaway to celebrate their 30th Anniversary. I filled out the entry blank (and made RK fill one out, too). We sat down to enjoy some breakfast and discuss my business.
Hashtag Winning
I received a phone call yesterday from Koa Pancake House saying that I’d won the grand prize. I’d actually won 80,000 Hawaiian Airlines Miles! I could hardly believe it. I think the last time I’ve ever won something was back when I entered a drawing to win a KeroKeroppi stuffed animal from Sanrio. Needless to say, its been a long time since I’ve won anything!
Thanking God and Beautycounter
Looking back on the whole thing just makes me smile. One, because if my son hadn’t made a disaster of his hair, we wouldn’t have gone to get his haircut. And if we hadn’t had his hair cut, we wouldn’t have have gone to breakfast. And if I hadn’t chosen to work from home– selling Beautycounter– we wouldn’t have been having breakfast at 11 in the morning on a Wednesday. So, I’m thanking God and Beautycounter for this blessing. And it really is a blessing.

My happy face!
Join Me
You should join Beautycounter. Instead of thinking of all the reasons it won’t work (like I did) think about all the things it will allow you to do. For me, it meant being able to travel with the kids for a month at a time without needing to get my vacation time approved. It meant, being able to home school my kids while getting safer products into our home. Maybe you’ve been wanting to spend more time with your spouse. Or maybe you want to spend more time with your kids while they’re still little. Or maybe you just want to make a little more money. There’s still time to jump in! Call me at 808-427-2711 and we can chat about Beautycounter…over pancakes.